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The purpose behind the project...

The journey of this album began, when I couldn’t vocalize the pain in my heart, due to the myriad of atrocities we’ve faced recently -- murdering of Black people, men, boys, women, and girls in our society. The journey of this project started with the death of Trayvon Martin. This unbelievable horror story seemed to be a recurring theme on the nightly news. I couldn’t just express my anger on social media, for a long period of time, my voice was silent. There had to be more, more to say. I had to dig deeper. I had to find out why this was happening to us. There’s so much blood on the fabric of America, that it can’t be washed, it can’t be cleansed. There has to be recompense, and restoration of a people brutalized, ostracized, and left to die. Yet, I digress, this album is a culmination of a lot of research, and my deepest desire to express why black people are so hated. Not everyone one hates us, some of us hate ourselves, and loathe our Blackness.  

The purpose, intent, and content of this album is for the revelation of truth. A truth that has been hidden from the masses of individuals that it will be most valuable too-- Black People. I’m exhausted by the perpetual existence of  institutionalized racism, systemic racism, and self-degradation regarding people of African-descent all over the world. Many people that have Black in their lineage have been taught to deny it, and that they would be better off without it. Which is the furthest thing from the truth. People of color all over the world must learn to celebrate their heritage, and to celebrate in the skin they live in, for it is beautiful. My desire, and the heart of this project is to see my people free from slavery in their minds, and to liberate people

all over the world from the enemy of self-hatred.   

African people, and all the descendants thereof need to begin to see themselves from the vantage point of The One who created us. Black people are the genesis of humanity. Jah looked at the first man and woman that HE created and said, “It is good”.  Black people were the original Egyptians, some of the greatest civilizations were Black before it was whited-out. We’ve suffered countless atrocities, invasions, burning of our cities, monuments torn down, and African names carved out only to hide the great achievements of Black People. We are a great people with a rich history, what is known be western civilization was brought to you by African Civilization first. So to sum it up the purpose of this album is to re-educate for we have been miseducated.

The Story Behind the Project: Text
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